The Service Management Connector service is able to communicate with several monitoring and IT Service Management applications. Using a generic, application agnostic, mapping specification requires a uniform data structure called the Connector Alert. Each connection, for a specific application, contains the logic to convert application specific data to a Connector Alert so it can be processed by the Service Management Connector and by System Center Operations Manager.
The table below shows the Connector Alert fields that are available to store ITSM tickets.
Connector Alert field | Description |
AlertId | Unique identifier for the alert |
CreationDate | Creation date and time |
Description | Descriptive name for the alert |
Name | Name of the alert |
Path | Path to the source |
Severity | Severitiy like Error, Warning or Information |
Source | Object the alert is related to |
TicketId | Corresponding ticket id if a ticket is available |
Context | XML structure containing all alert properties, the structure and content of the Context field is depends on the connection |
Each source application will have its own set of alert properties mapped to a set of Connector Alert fields.
In the next paragraphs, for each available connection, these properties will be explained.
All information available on an alert is translated to the Connector Alert, most common SCOM Alert properties are available in the Connector Alert fields, all other information can be found in the Context field.
The next table shows how the Connector Alert fields are filled based on SCOM Alert properties.
Connector Alert field | SCOM Alert property |
AlertId | Id |
CreationDate | TimeRaised |
Description | Description |
Name | Name |
Path | MonitoringObjectPath |
Severity | Severity |
Source | MonitoringObjectName |
Context | XML structure containing all alert properties |
The XML snippet below contains an example of the Context structure for a Connector Alert based on a SCOM Alert.
<Name>Connector Monitor</Name>
<TimeRaised>22-11-2017 20:40:46</TimeRaised>
<TimeAdded>22-11-2017 20:40:46</TimeAdded>
<LastModified>24-11-2017 08:11:29</LastModified>
<MaintenanceModeLastModified>1-1-1900 00:00:00</MaintenanceModeLastModified>
All information available on a TOPdesk Incident Card is translated to the Connector Alert. Most common TOPdesk Incident Card properties are available in the Connector Alert fields, all other information can be found in the Context field.
The next table shows how the Connector Alert fields are filled based on SCOM Alert properties.
Connector Alert field | TOPdesk Incident Card property |
AlertId | number |
CreationDate | creationDate |
Description | request |
Name | briefDescription |
Context | XML structure containing all alert properties |
The XML snippet below contains an example of the Context structure for a Connector Alert based on a TOPdesk Incident Card.
<number>M1802 262</number>
<request>24-02-2018 14:47 Operator,:
AlertName: Example
AlertPath: server.ota.lan
FullPath: Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService:server.ota.lan
AlertDescription: Example
Monitor: False
<extraA />
<extraB />
<extraA />
<extraB />
<callerLocation />
<branchExtraFieldA />
<branchExtraFieldB />
<entryType />
<object />
<branch />
<location />
<name>Some users affected</name>
<priority />
<duration />
<onHoldDate />
<feedbackMessage />
<feedbackRating />
<supplier />
<name>In progress</name>
<completedDate />
<closedDate />
<closureCode />
<escalationStatus />
<escalationReason />
<escalationOperator />
<majorCallObject />
<archivingReason />
<date1 />
<date2 />
<date3 />
<date4 />
<date5 />
<memo1 />
<memo2 />
<memo3 />
<memo4 />
<memo5 />
<searchlist1 />
<searchlist2 />
<searchlist3 />
<searchlist4 />
<searchlist5 />
<date1 />
<date2 />
<date3 />
<date4 />
<date5 />
<memo1 />
<memo2 />
<memo3 />
<memo4 />
<memo5 />
<searchlist1 />
<searchlist2 />
<searchlist3 />
<searchlist4 />
<searchlist5 />